Fake Truths Involving Car Batteries

· Batteries


Batteries are the lifeline of your vehicle. It's critical to keep an eye on your battery and makesure it's working fine. 

However, you should beaware of a few misconceptions regarding car battery maintenance and use. 

Myths Involving Car Batteries 

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  • The Battery Won't Drain If I Don't Drive My Vehicle 

One of the biggest myths involving car batteries is people believing that leaving a car untouched will preserve battery life foran extended time. However, this is not the case. 

Ignoring one's car willonly increase problems with the battery, electrical system, and engine. Itmay seem strange, but it's true. A car battery can short circuit and even die ifleft inactive for a few weeks. That's why drivers must utilize a maintenancecharger, often known as a 'trickle' charger. 

  • If Properly Maintained, A Car's Battery May Last A Lifetime 

We wish this to be true,but it isn't. A battery, like a brake pad, is a consumable item that wears outover time. While careful charging, testing, and maintenance can help extend thelife of your battery, it will ultimately need a replacement. 

  • Weather Change Doesn't Affect The Battery 

Another myth that peopleneed to understand is weather change plays an important part in the dischargerate of a battery. During hot weather, the discharge rate is maximum.  

Whereas starting a carengine when it's cold is considerably harder on your battery. This is whyyou're highly likely to have some trouble starting your car in the winter.  

  • My Battery Will Recharge If I Drive Around  

Starting your vehicle isamong the most taxing thing you can do to your battery. Because starting a caruses a lot of energy, a short drive is unlikely to provide enough charge to thebattery to make up for the energy expenditure. 

The best — and only —method to recharge a battery is with a multi-stage charger that delivers enoughenergy to mix the acid and electrolyte. 

  • Maintenance-Free Batteries Don't Require Any Maintenance 

Even though the productsays it's maintenance-free doesn't imply you're in the clear. While the batteryis sealed, you won't have to worry about maintaining or refilling fluid or electrolytelevels. It's still necessary to check for loose terminals or connections andany physical indications of damage on the battery on a routine basis. 

  • I Can Change The Car Battery Myself  

Most individuals assumethat replacing a car battery is simple, but this assumption may not be assafe as it seems. Newer automobiles require using a "memory minder"to keep the system powered up while the car battery is being replaced, reducingthe risk of any given issue. It is always recommended to have your car's batterychanged by a professional. Especially if you're unsure what the best methodsare for your specific vehicle.  

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The best way to protectyour car and its battery are to avoid these fake truths as they may lead toyour car's electrical system shutdown, engine failure, or computer malfunction– none of which you need.    

Do you need a batteryreplacement? You can always count on CTC for the finest customer service and the best products- all from globally recognized companies.